Services and Fees

Quality service for common piano needs

Piano Tuning

Getting your piano tuned regularly is the most fundamental aspect of maintaining your piano. Barring unusual circumstance, your piano will be tuned to the standard pitch of A 440 hz. If your piano has not been serviced regularly or has been exposed to undesirable conditions or treatment, a pitch raise may also be necessary. $145

Pitch Raise

A pitch raise is a rudimentary, preliminary tuning done immediately prior to a fine tuning. It is necessary to bring the piano up to standard pitch in situations where circumstances have allowed the piano to fall beyond the reasonable range necessary for a stable fine-tuning. $75. A piano that has not been tuned to pitch in 6-8 years will often need a Pitch Raise tuning to bring it up to pitch before the fine tuning. A piano that has not been tuned in 15-20 years will often need two pitch raise tunings prior to the fine tuning, in order to achieve a stable instrument and tuning.


Pianos are composed of thousands different parts made of wood, felt, plastics, rubber and metals. Inevitably, things wear out and break from routine use and age. As a general rule, all parts in a piano can be repaired or replaced as necessary.

Common repairs include sticking keys, dead notes, broken strings (bass string – $95, treble string – $85), squeaky pedals, and fixing various buzzes, knocks and rattles. Additionally, opting to replace keytops can make an old set of keys look like new again. Prices vary


Regulating is, in a nutshell, adjusting your piano so that it plays the way it was intended to play. A well-regulated piano is a pleasure to play and is responsive to the pianist.

Over time, parts swell and shrink, wear out or fatigue, or otherwise warrant adjustment. You may notice the need for regulation if notes on your piano play differently, if notes don’t play when you attempt to play softly, or if notes double-strike or sound unusual when played. Regulation can be minor, involving only certain, noticeably problematic notes, or comprehensive, affecting the entire piano. Major regulation work often involves repairing or replacing certain action parts, such as felts and hammers. Call for price

Purchase Consultation

Purchasing a used piano is a decision that should be approached with care and caution. What may seem like a great deal could end up being quite the opposite. If you are thinking of buying a used piano from a friend, out of the classifieds, or off of Craigslist, getting input from a qualified technician might be the best investment you make.

During a purchase consultation, your prospective piano will get a thorough inspection purposed to determine its overall condition in order to ensure that your purchase will meet your expectations. $125


An appraisal is purposed to provide the piano owner with a comprehensive, objective assessment of the piano’s current value. Many factors contribute to a piano’s value, including, but not limited to, original purchase price, age, condition, equitable replacement value, and geographic region. An appraisal might be needed for insurance purposes or if you are looking to sell the piano. A written appraisal provides the documentation necessary for either. $185

Smoke Damage Remediation

If you experience the misfortune of a fire in your home, church, etc., unless your piano was directly exposed to extreme heat or flame, chances are that your piano can be restored to its previous condition.

Properly treating your piano with the correct cleaners, chemicals, and supplies will be essential to effective smoke odor remediation. Effectively evicting the smoke odors involves removing many piano components and applying a combination of procedures and techniques such as vacuuming, blowing, dry cleaning, chemical treatments, polishing, fogging, and more. Servicing your piano in such a way should be handled by a qualified technician. Call for price


Our comprehensive piano cleaning can include removing major case parts, removing the keys, vacuuming the interior and the key bed, polishing the keytops, and polishing the exterior wood finish. Vertical pianos $85-95. Add $50 for sterilization if mice have been in there.
Grand pianos – $135. Add $50 for sterilization if mice have been in there.

Humidity Control

Humidity fluctuations are the predominant reason that pianos go out of tune and develop various other symptoms that warrant repair and/or regulation. Dampp-Chaser humidity control systems are the most effective way to regulate and stabilize the humidity levels in the piano at their intended level of 45% relative humidity, causing pianos to play better, last longer, and stay in tune. Starting at $535


Potter’s Piano Services also carries an inventory of routine supplies, including Humidistat Pad Treatment (16oz), Humidistat Pads (4-pack) and Cory Ultimate Piano Care Kits. Other products, such as piano benches, bench pads, piano covers, etc. can be ordered upon request.

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